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The IEI has participated in the development of the R&D&I Strategic Agenda together with other entities:

▪ Eurecat (GES1: Tourist Destinations and Resources)

▪ Travelthink (GES2: Distribution and Travel Agencies)

▪ Institute of International Economics-University of Valencia (GES3: Transport)

▪ Hotel Technological Institute (GES4: Hotels and accommodations)

▪ University of Deusto (GES5: Restoration)

▪ Invat- tur (GES6: Tourist activities)

▪ Spanish Network of Accessible Tourism (GET1: Accessibility)

▪ Hotel Technological Institute (GET2: Energy and Sustainability)

▪ Vicomtech and Tecnalia (GET3: TICs)

▪ UNEX-Asociación empresarial del Hábitat, su internacionalización y el contract (GET4: Architecture, design and contract).

Thinktur aims to promote an ecosystem of tourism companies and destinations, together with suppliers of the tourism sector and research institutions to promote competitiveness in the tourism sector through the dissemination and implementation of technology, innovation and sustainability.

The document has allowed our IEI to be listed as a participating entity in this plan.

The document is available on Thinktur's website under registration: