The European LOOP-Ports project, of which the Institute for International Economics is a member of the consortium, is organizing an online Pan-European workshop on Circular Economy in ports with the aim of identifying and characterizing the areas of intervention in the sector in this field.
The European LOOP-Ports project partners organized a Pan-European Workshop on Circular Economy in Ports on October 7, which was attended by members of its stakeholder network( and representatives of other port authorities in the European Union.
The main objective of this workshop was to identify and address the barriers and challenges faced by port organizations in terms of regulation, technological issues, training, etc. in relation to the circular economy. In order to facilitate discussion, exchange experiences and share best practices, the workshop was structured around the three areas of intervention in addressing circular economy solutions in the port environment identified during the project: circular port assets, circular flows in ports, and circular ports and markets.
During the first part of the workshop, the results to date of the LOOP-Ports project were briefly presented. EIT Climate-KIC, as co-financier of this initiative, also made a presentation of other projects related to the circular economy that are currently being carried out in the maritime port sector.
Then, in the second part of the workshop, participants were divided into heterogeneous working groups and discussed the potential offered by this long-term vision of port sustainability in the various areas of intervention identified during the project. The sessions had an interactive character through the use of online participation tools that allowed the moderator to collect quantitative and qualitative results on the circular economy actions being carried out in the sector.