The Valencian Innovation Agency makes an express call to detect projects, prototypes and mature innovative solutions (TRL equal or higher than 6) that can be implemented in the short term and in areas directly related to the fight against COVID-19, for example:
- Solutions, among others, with artificial intelligence, to know in real time the availability of healthcare resources or image diagnostics.
- Automated solutions for the provision of non-health services in the hospital environment.
- Solutions, including artificial intelligence, to improve citizen response to the health crisis.
Complete information and application forms are available at
The deadline for submitting proposals is Friday, April 3, at 8 p.m.
Technology Readiness Levels or TRL (Technology Readiness Levels)
TRL 1 - Basic principles studied
TRL 2 - Technological concept formulated
TRL 3 - Experimental proof of concept
TRL 4 - Laboratory validated technology
TRL 5 - Technology validated in a relevant environment
TRL 6 - Demonstrated technology in a relevant environment
TRL 7 - Demonstration of prototype in operational environment
TRL 8 - Complete and qualified system
TRL 9 - Real system tested in an operational environment