
Amparo Cervera participates in a conference on cultural heritage and development

The capital of the Ayora-Cofrentes Valley hosted a conference on cultural heritage and development on Tuesday 9 December. A total of five teachers from the University of Valencia are participating in these series of conferences.

They are Luis Arciniega (History of Art), Cesar Camisón (Business Management), Joaquín Farinós (Geography), Amparo Cervera (Institute of International Economics) and Alejandro Mollá (Marketing and Market Research).
The mayor of Ayora, José Vicente Anaya, and the vice-rector of Participation and Territorial Projection, Jorge Hermosilla, inaugurated, in the House of Culture of Ayora, a conference that had the objective of evaluating the possibilities of development in the Valley of Ayora-Cofrentes through cultural tourism, a concept in which the knowledge of monuments and historical sites is combined with the immersion in the natural and cultural history, as well as in the way of life of the different societies. Luis Arciniega, professor of the department of History of Art, gave a lecture on the identification and subsequent management of historical and artistic heritage. Afterwards, Professor Amparo Cervera (Marketing and Market Research Department) explained to the attendees how to value cultural heritage for the generation of competitive tourist experiences.
This Thursday 11 December, Sedaví will host a series of conferences on strategic planning as a tool for local management. Mayor Rafael Pérez and Vice-Rector Jorge Hermosilla will open the symposium. After them, there are three scheduled lectures: Professor César Camisón (Business Management Department 'Juan José Renau Piqueras') will discuss strategic planning and territorial competitiveness strategy. Joaquín Farinós (Geography Department) will give a lecture entitled "Making the territory strategy effective: towards a better integration of diagnosis and expectations". Alejandro Mollá (Marketing and Market Research Department) will close the day with strategic planning in the commercial distribution sector.
Both conferences are part of the line of work between the Vice-rectorate for Participation and Territorial Projection of the University of Valencia and the Valencian local entities, in collaboration with Imelsa (Valencia Provincial Council). The aim is to involve university researchers in their area of influence, provide training to society and influence the possibilities of local development in Valencian municipalities and regions.