
Two IEI researchers participate in the first Spending Review for Spain conducted by AIREF

José Emilio Bosca and Javier Ferri (researchers at the Institute of International Economics), together with Mauro Mediavilla (professor at the Department of Applied Economics) have collaborated as scientific advisors in two evaluations carried out by the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (Airef) within the framework of the first Spending Review for Spain.


The evaluations have analysed the implementation procedure, the functioning and the degree of achievement of objectives of both the university grant system and some state programmes for the promotion of talent and its employability in R&D activities, basically the FPI grants and the Ramón y Cajal contracts.


The results of the evaluation suggest that there is considerable room for improvement in the procedures for allocating scholarships and PIF grants, and in the degree to which their main objectives are met. [More information at and]