
The IEI-UV participates in the inter-university session of the three IEI sites organised in the framework of the Arnoldshain Seminar XVII and the X Meeting on International Economics.

The first session of the congress - to be held from 14 to 17 June at the Fundació Caixa Rural in Vila-real, the UJI in Castellón and the UA in Alicante - brought together presentations from members of the three branches of the inter-university institute of international economics. 
The IEI-Valencia made the following presentations:
Does fiscal policy really help to overcome a housing shock?
Francisca Herranz-Baez
Javier Ferri
An RBC model with robots: implications for income distribution and fiscal policy
Teresa Forner 
Javier Ferri
Mode choice of university students in Valencia, Spain: policy implications
Bárbara Vázquez
Maria Feo
Salvador del Saz