On May 17, World Recycling Day, a press conference was held to present the main results of the study "Analysis of the behavior of citizens regarding waste disposal in the Metropolitan Area of Valencia", the result of an agreement between the Metropolitan Entity for Waste Treatment (EMTRE) and the Institute of International Economics of the University of Valencia. The authors of the project were the professors Haydeé Calderón, Teresa Fayos and Berta Tubillejas. The speakers were Mr. Francisco Potenciano, Manager of EMTRE, Mr. Carlos Mundina, Councillor for Cleaning of the City Council of Valencia, Mr. Antonio Gala, General Director of Valencia European Green Capital and Ms. Haydeé Calderón, Professor of Marketing and Market Research at the University of Valencia.
The results of the study show the behaviors, motivations, attitudes and intentions of the citizens of the metropolitan area with respect to waste separation and recycling, and will serve as a basis for the design of lines of action by those responsible for waste management.